When stuck in a rut…
We are all at some level, creatures
of habit. Routines and regular schedules are comforting and even necessary for our daily existence. Its
how we get things done in a timely fashion BUT every adult (and most teens!)
have felt ‘stuck’ at one point or another in life.
We become bored with the sameness of it all! While it’s not
practical (and unwise) to change some of the major routines in our life like work,
school, commute, ect. We should
strive to shake things up in other areas. Not only is this healthy, it can give
us a fresh perspective and a renewed vigor in our endeavors.
Einstein said:
Doing the same thing and expecting a
different result is the definition of insanity.
When it comes to our writing and
our efforts to market and publish our works, this quote is especially apt.
There is no magic bullet, no secret path to becoming a successful author. It’s
consistency, attention to detail, WORK! Sounds suspiciously like a rut…BUT IT
While there are exceptions, most
professional (full time, paid) authors compile a volume of work over a decade,
(YUP, 10 years!) building their
platforms and reader bases until they begin earning a modest living. So what
can we do to avoid the dreaded RUT?
Diversify! Write in as many genres
as interest you. Do freelance copywriting. Write short stories. Attend
conferences and seminars…HOST a seminar! Speak publically and do signings. Giveaways,
newspapers, libraries, volunteer events, everything
can be a marketing opportunity.
Perhaps more importantly, NEVER
stop learning! Experience new things and challenge yourself not just in your
writing but also in your day-to-day living! If you have a fear conquer it! Do
you have a dream or a secret desire? Then set concrete goals and chase that dream!
Nothing is impossible if approached
with the determination, desire and willingness to work steadily towards its
The only difference in a successful
author (person) and a failed one is simply this…successful people never give up!
You’ll be rejected…told no…feel
disheartened…so what? EVERY SINGLE successful person has experienced this too!
Keep swinging…. sooner or later that bat’s gonna connect and when it does….
well… that’s a whole new kindia rut
to get used to!
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